Replica 2022 Perfect Luxury Prada Bags Handbags Rose Lychee Pattern Calfskin Cowhide Sheepskin
P family’s latest handbags arrive, soft imported calfskin, lychee patterns are more comfortable, brushed stainless steel hardware, novel face line triangle logo and metal lettering logo, light up the center, interpret the brand’s ingenious crafts [powerful]
The face line on the back outlines the soft circular silhouette, and the double -lifting and double -pull head design adds unique novel style. The soft sheepskin lining, a partition layer and two pockets, high -end and practical. This is also many customers who always like to use thisThe reason for the brand [Rose] Quality is comparable to ZP. As long as you know the goods, come and find it [seduce]
Model: 11BC145
Size: 23 × 21 × 10cm
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